Asphalt Driveway Renovation
Weather can be tough on asphalt. Between winter ice and summer rains, asphalt can often require some repair or upgrades every 5 years or so. Drainage is critical to getting more years out of your asphalt. Without proper drainage cracking is inevitable. Moretti can help.
Moretti can provide solutions for drainage problems as well as advising whether refinishing or repaving is necessary.
In addition to expert asphalt installation, we also have experience in custom stone driveways (see gallery) as well as concrete and composites. In all cases, what is key is that we never forget that the driveway is not just a “road up to the house”. The driveway is also part of the overall aesthetic of the home. Our artisans take great pride in the driveways they produce, whether asphalt paved or stone mason fashioned brick by brick.

Contact Us today and make an appointment to discuss your asphalt, paving and patio needs. We offer quick and courteous responses to all calls and inquiries.